Simple Depth of Field Postprocess step parameters
In this case we will present you how to parametrize Simple Depth of Field step.
- SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess parameters
- Focus distance manipulation
- dof manipulation
SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess parameters
We can modify the SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess step with different parameters.
- focus_distance - distance from the lens to the focus plane in mm. Objects in this distance will be the sharpest
- dof - rough estimate of desired depth of field in mm.
- specific_heat - numeric value of the specific heat used by the diffusion simulation.
- alpha_threshold - threshold for calculating blurring contribution in the diffuse
simulation. Pixels with a circle of confusion above this value would not be additionally blurred.
Scene setup
Let's use custom scene composer to set up the scene.
Scene consists of:
- 3 shaderballs - locations: (0, 0, 0), (2, 0, 4), (4, 0, 8),
- camera - location: (2, 1, 12)
- direction light - direction: (1, -1, -1)
from skyrenderer.cases.utils import DepthOfFieldSceneComposer
scene_composer = DepthOfFieldSceneComposer()
2025-02-04 15:02:19,403 | skyrenderer.scene.renderer_context | INFO: Root paths: - root path: /dli/skyenvironment/skyrenderer/skyrenderer - assets path: /dli/mount/assets - config path: /dli/skyenvironment/skyrenderer/skyrenderer/config - gpu sources path: /dli/skyenvironment/skyrenderer/skyrenderer/optix_sources/sources - cache path: /dli/mount/cache - ptx cache path: compiled_ptx/ptx - ocio path: ocio_configs/aces_1.2/config.ocio top_node |-- shaderball_GEO |-- camera_target_NUL +-- camera_origin_NUL
Focus distance manipulation
We will generate two renders using different focus_distance parameter.
Two renders will show furthest and closest shaderball as the sharpest.
from skyrenderer.render_chain.postprocess_steps.simple_depth_of_field import SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess
from skyrenderer.render_chain import RenderChain
Create first render - focus on the furthest shaderball
distance_to_furthest = 12201
dof_params = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess.create_parameter_provider(
scene_composer.renderer_context, dof=3000, focus_distance=distance_to_furthest
simple_dof_step = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess(scene_composer.renderer_context, parameter_provider=dof_params)
render_steps=[scene_composer.visible_light_render_step, simple_dof_step],
furthest_render = scene_composer.get_render()
2025-02-04 15:02:19,836 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Setup time: 385 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:22,647 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Context update time: 2.81 seconds 2025-02-04 15:02:26,154 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Key points calculation time: 0 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:26,155 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Render time: 3.51 seconds
Create second render - focus on the closest shaderball
distance_to_closest = 4583
dof_params = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess.create_parameter_provider(
scene_composer.renderer_context, dof=3000, focus_distance=distance_to_closest
simple_dof_step = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess(scene_composer.renderer_context, parameter_provider=dof_params)
render_steps=[scene_composer.visible_light_render_step, simple_dof_step],
closest_render = scene_composer.get_render()
render_dict = {"Focus on furthest": furthest_render, "Focus on closest": closest_render}
scene_composer.visualize_grid_desc(render_dict, shape=(800, 1600), n_cols=2)
2025-02-04 15:02:26,244 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Setup time: 60 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:29,162 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Context update time: 2.92 seconds 2025-02-04 15:02:32,531 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Key points calculation time: 0 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:32,532 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Render time: 3.37 seconds
dof manipulation
The next two renders will show the effect of manipulation of dof parameter.
On the second render the objects will be more blurred.
Create first render - the furthest shaderball will be just slightly blurred
dof_params = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess.create_parameter_provider(
scene_composer.renderer_context, dof=4000, focus_distance=distance_to_closest
simple_dof_step = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess(scene_composer.renderer_context, parameter_provider=dof_params)
render_steps=[scene_composer.visible_light_render_step, simple_dof_step],
slight_blur_render = scene_composer.get_render()
2025-02-04 15:02:32,768 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Setup time: 54 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:35,641 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Context update time: 2.87 seconds 2025-02-04 15:02:38,822 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Key points calculation time: 0 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:38,823 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Render time: 3.18 seconds
Create second render - focus on the closest shaderball
dof_params = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess.create_parameter_provider(
scene_composer.renderer_context, dof=2000, focus_distance=distance_to_closest
simple_dof_step = SimpleDepthOfFieldPostprocess(scene_composer.renderer_context, parameter_provider=dof_params)
render_steps=[scene_composer.visible_light_render_step, simple_dof_step],
strong_blur_render = scene_composer.get_render()
render_dict = {"DOF: 4000": slight_blur_render, "DOF: 2000": strong_blur_render}
scene_composer.visualize_grid_desc(render_dict, shape=(800, 1600), n_cols=2)
2025-02-04 15:02:38,891 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Setup time: 53 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:41,739 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Context update time: 2.85 seconds 2025-02-04 15:02:44,945 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Key points calculation time: 0 ms 2025-02-04 15:02:44,946 | skyrenderer.utils.time_measurement | INFO: Render time: 3.21 seconds
In this section you have learnt:
- You can set focus on an object or objects you choose using focus_distance parameter.
- You can modify the blurriness of objects closer or further from focus_distance using dof parameter.